Join Us

This page is for new members - already a member wishing to visit or transfer?

Flying and controlling on the VATSIM network is a great way to enjoy the perks of an interactive flight simulation session, and making new friends along the way. To fly online, all you need is a copy of Flight Simulator, Prepar3D or X Plane, and you're ready to go! For controlling, you don't need anything except a working computer, all the software is provided free!

This page outlines step-by-step instructions on how to become a pilot or virtual air traffic controller in the UK. Many of our members are both pilots and controllers, so feel free to give them both a try! If you have any problems during the process, please visit our forums or use the "Contact Us" function at the top of the page. If you are already a VATSIM member and want to transfer into the UK for controlling, please see the bottom of this page. Don't forget that VATSIM pilots can fly anywhere they want in the world without having to join our division, but if you primarily fly here in the UK you are encouraged to join our community to get the best experience you can.

  Becoming a Controller

Step 1

Visit and register for your ID and password. This is a very quick process and is completely FREE. Ensure you choose Europe as your region and the UK as your division.

If you are already a member of VATSIM, you can view your current region on your Dashboard to verify that your home region/division is set to 'Europe - United Kingdom'. If not, you will need to make an application to change to the UK in order to become a controller with us. Visit our 'Visit or Transfer' page for more information.

Step 2

Download a controller client such as EuroScope. You can use this to connect to VATSIM as an Observer (OBS), to observe proceedings but not yet to control live traffic yourself.

Refer to Becoming a Controller for information on what to do next to get training for a rating upgrade to Student 1 and begin controlling some traffic!

  Becoming a Pilot

Step 1

Visit and register for your ID and password. This is a very quick process and is completely FREE. Feel free to use Europe as your region and the UK as your division, although you can fly wherever you want on VATSIM, regardless of which country you choose to join.

Step 2

Download an approved pilot client. These are the free pieces of software you will use to connect your flight simulator to VATSIM.

Step 3

Visit the Getting Started Guide to get started as a pilot on the network. For flying in the UK, our own airport pages contain some great information and resources.

Step 4

Consider reviewing the Pilot Training area of the Education Hub to enhance your pilot skills or join a distinguished virtual airline like BAVirtual. If you prefer GA flying, you might like to consider visiting the CIX VFR Club.

Step 5

Get online and fly!